Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Parties

I protested today. I participated in the Lynchburg, Virginia Tea Party. I’ve never publically demonstrated against anything before today and I think most of the estimated 1,800 people in the crowd were also first-time protesters.

Some local Republican politicians spoke and a couple of citizens. Most of the hand held signs were homemade with anti-big government, anti-tax increase, anti-big spending, and anti-Obama themes.

Although the dissatisfaction with government was palpable the crowd was polite and completely in control with nary a policeman in sight

I’m concerned that the spontaneous Tea Party movement will fissile out because political leaders are rushing to get in front of it. If they succeed people may turn it over to these “leaders” who are at least partially responsible for getting us in this Obama mess.

If it were not for Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” and the grotesque spending by the Republican Congress from 1995 thru 2006 Obama and the left wing statists would not be in charge of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

If it were not for then majority Republicans backing down in the face of Barney Frank and company, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac might have been prevented from buying up securitized bundles of sub-prime mortgages.

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