Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cap & Trade (Carbon Tax) – Part 1 – I Wonder

President Obama and Nancy Pelosi, his enthusiastic sycophant in the House of Representatives, are concocting a disastrous bit of legislation. Reportedly, the House passed it while parts of it were still being written.

When they passed the “stimulus” bill earlier this year at least they had a one-thousand plus page document. The ink wasn’t dry, but the ink was on paper. I wonder if the sections written after the bill was “passed” are legally part of the bill. Logically, they couldn’t be, but a lack of logic has never been an obstacle to Congress and it’s been only a minor obstacle to the Supreme Court.

I wonder why Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are pushing so hard for this “Cap and Trade” legislation. I wonder why Congress doesn’t have hearings to look at the scientific evidence that supports a global warming trend and also the evidence that refutes it.

I wonder why this is a crisis when global temperatures have cooled over the past 11 years. I wonder how any member of congress can consider increasing the cost of doing business in the United States, and on living in the United States, when the economy remains in recession and the financial crisis may not yet be over.

I wonder why any member of Congress who truly thinks global warming is a crisis could support a bill that is predicted by its scientific supporters to reduce overall global warming by 0.07 degrees Fahrenheit after 50 years.

I wonder if there isn’t some completely different agenda at work here. I cannot believe 218 members of the United States House of Representatives are stupid enough to vote for this job-killing, recession prolonging, retirement damaging, freedom reducing, and completely ineffectual in obtaining its official purpose monstrosity.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist. In general, I think real conspiracies can’t be kept secret and anyway people aren’t smart enough to pull them off. In this case though, I hope there is a conspiracy. To think otherwise one would be forced to conclude that “The Keystone Cops” and “The Three Stooges” have a majority in Congress and a moron lives in the White House.

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