Did they hear the same speech I did?
Talking heads are abuzz over Sarah Palin’s resignation as Governor of Alaska effective at the end of July. They buzz that she is burned out; that she is quitting politics; that she is withdrawing from public life because of attacks from the socialist press and comics. Some buzz that her resignation may be the jumping off point for a 2012 Presidential campaign.
She and her family have been under attack alright. But I think she is unbelievably misunderstood. This woman is a fighter, a hunter, a life member of the NRA, a commercial fisherman, a committed Christian, and the mother of a special needs child. She battled her way to the Governor’s office and she might have dragged the unpopular John McCain across the finish line last year if the economy had not collapsed.
She is a lioness. Her children and her values and her integrity are under attack. What does a lioness do when her cubs are attacked?
Below are some direct quotes from the transcript of her resignation announcement.
“… it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: “Sit down and shut up”, but that’s the worthless, easy path; that’s a quitter’s way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy. It would be apathetic to just hunker down and “go with the flow…”
“… only dead fish “go with the flow.”
“And there is such a need to BUILD up and FIGHT for our state and our country. I choose to FIGHT for it! And I’ll work hard for others who still believe in free enterprise and smaller government; strong national security for our country and support for our troops; energy independence; and for those who will protect freedom and equality and LIFE… I’ll work for and campaign for those PROUD to be American, and those who are INSPIRED by our ideals and won’t deride them.
I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don’t care what party they’re in or no party at all. Inside Alaska – or Outside Alaska.”
“My choice is to take a stand and effect change…”
“…we know we can effect positive change outside government at this moment in time, on another scale, and actually make a difference for our priorities – and so we will, for Alaskans and for Americans.”
“In fact, this decision comes after much consideration, and finally polling the most important people in my life - my children (where the count was unanimous… well, in response to asking: “Want me to make a positive difference and fight for ALL our children’s future from OUTSIDE the Governor’s office?” It was four “yes’s” and one “hell yeah!” The “hell yeah” sealed it…”
“I think much of it had to do with the kids seeing their baby brother Trig mocked by some pretty mean-spirited adults recently…”
“…we can ALL learn from our selfless Troops… they’re bold, they don’t give up, they take a stand and know that LIFE is short so they choose to NOT waste time. They choose to be productive and to serve something greater than SELF…”
“…we NEED hardworking, average Americans fighting for what’s right! And I will support you because we need YOU and YOU can effect change, and I can too on the outside.”
“We need those who will respect our Constitution where government’s supposed to serve from the BOTTOM UP, not move toward this TOP DOWN big government take-over… but rather, will be protectors of individual rights…”
“We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.”
Her kids said “yes” and “hell yeah!” This is a frontier family with guts, motivation, and determination. They may be course. They may not be polished speakers. They are unlikely to receive invitations to Manhattan cocktail parties – they’re even less likely to go if invited. But, they’re bold, they don’t give up, they take a stand and know that life is short so they choose to not waste time. They choose to be productive and to serve something greater than self.
Sarah Palin may or may not run for high public office in the future, but I expect Sarah to soon become one of the most effective opponents of Barack Hussein Obama and Nancy Pelosi. I expect her to attack like the lioness she is; defending her children, her state, and her country.
She told us that 80% of her time and that of her staff has lately been consumed defending against frivolous ethics charges plus $2,000,000 of public money and $500,000 of her own money. She has, then, been doing her job as Governor in only 20% of her time. She rightly said that Alaska is not being served properly under these conditions and, since it costs nothing to make frivolous ethics charges, Alaska can expect this situation to continue.
She wants Alaska to be properly served so she’s turning the Governor’s office over to another while she focuses. In the parlance of the old sail-powered navy, she is clearing the decks, she is preparing for battle. Sarah Palin without the responsibility, and the distraction, of running the state of Alaska, will be seen and heard quite a lot more in the coming months. I think we’ll see her on talk television, hear her on talk radio, see her at book signings, and during the 2010 Congressional campaign I think we’ll see her stumping for conservatives across the country.
Will Sarah Palin run for President in 2012? I don’t know and I don’t think she knows either. Running for President is not the point. She will go on offense. She will be a powerful voice for conservatism. And, unless others join with her on the field of battle, she may become the leader by default.
To paraphrase Japanese Admiral Yamamoto shortly after he orchestrated the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor - socialists will soon fear they have awakened a sleeping lioness – the smart ones already do.
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